Qingshan Wei
My research is focused on developing next-generation field-deployable molecular imaging, sensing, and diagnostic tools for plants and human. These tools are essential to translate conventional laboratory diagnostic tests from the bench to the point of care for rapid field detection, personal health monitoring, as well as battling infectious diseases in the resource-limited settings. My group is currently studying two main research schemes, including the development of new portable microscopy devices for single-molecule detection as well as novel lab-on- a-chip systems for rapid sample preparation such as DNA extraction, amplification, and sequence-specific labeling. We also develop nanophotonics enhanced molecular diagnostic assays towards ultra-sensitive analysis. Our work spans broadly at the interface of engineering, chemistry, nanoscience, and biology.
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B.S., Polymer Materials and Engineering, Zhejiang University (2005)
M.S., Polymer Materials and Engineering, Zhejiang University (2007)
Ph.D., Chemistry, Purdue University (2012)
Postdoc, Bioengineering, University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) (2016)
Awards and Honors
- Honorable Mention, the Chancellor’s Award for Postdoctoral Research, UCLA
- Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award, 2003
- Sigma Xi Research Award, 2004
- Alumni Association Outstanding Teacher Award, 2006
- Alumni Association Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award, 2013
- Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award, 2011
- R.J. Reynolds Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research & Extension, 2017
- Alcoa Foundation Distinguished Engineering Research Award, 2010
- American Chemical Society Fellow, 2011
- Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 2006
- Elected into the American Chemical Society, 2011
- Elected into the Materials Research Society, 2017